Swarachakra Visualization

Swarachakra is a free text input application developed by the IDID group at Industrial Design Center (IDC), Indian Institute of Technology Bombay for Indic scripts.
Currently, Swarachakra supports 12 Indian scripts.

Words and frequencies for Swarachakra Hindi Corpus:
Top 100 used words

This visualization shows the top 100 words used in Swarachakra Hindi text input keyboard.Hover over the bars to see the words

Monthly User

This visualization shows the User installs of the Swarachakra Hindi text input keyboard in each months of a year since its launch.

Monthly user installs for the year 2013

Usage of Swarachakra
Hindi keyboards in the world

This visualization shows the reach of the regional application like Swarachakra in the world.Different colours show the user installs of the application for various regions.
(as shown in the legend).

Zoom to…

Total User Installs of
various Swarachakra keyboards

Here different slices shows the usage of different languages of Swarachakra keyboards
,with Marathi being highly used.

Top 100 words used in
Swarachakra Hindi Keyboards

Trail of bubbles show top 100 hindi words entered through Swarachakra, hovering over the bubbles will show the word name and its frequency.